Home Forums PUBLIC DISCUSSION BOARD Holy Island Foray 11th Oct 2014. Measurements so far… Reply To: Holy Island Foray 11th Oct 2014. Measurements so far…

John R

Clitocybe No. 3 – White

Cap funnel shaped and wavy

Smell: sweet/pleasant

Spore size Me = 4.6 x 3.1 µm ; Qe = 1.5

Clitocybe phyllophila (Frosty funnel) seems to fit although the dunes habitat is not mentioned (and the gills are a bit widely spaced)

Buczacki p166 “on soil in broad-leaved or coniferous woodlands, gardens, compost, hedgerows, often with beech”. Spores ellip, smooth 4-5 x 3-3.5 um. Smell: strong, sweet

Also attached a photo of fruitbody (48 hours post-picking, so a little dried out). The physical characteristics also fit with Clitocybe ericetorum, but this species is described as having no smell.