The Association of British Fungus Groups
The Association of British Fungus Groups – Fungal Records Database(CATE2)
BioImages – The Virtual Field Guide – Fungi
British Mycological Society
British Mycological Society – Fungal Records Database of Britain and Ireland
Forest Slime Moulds of New Zealand
Fungi Images on the Net – Links to Fungus Groups and Societies
Hyphomycetes – University of Adelaide
Kew Mycology pages
The Microbial World: The Fungal Web
The Microbial World: Basidiomycota: activities and lifestyle
The Microbial World: Armillaria mellea and other wood-decay fungi
The Microbial World: Mycorrhizas
MycoKey – the mycological information site
Mycolegium (Norway)
National Biodiversity Network
NBN Gateway – UK Biodiversity Data
Natural History Society of Northumbria
Northern Ireland Fungus Group
Paul Forster Photography
Plantlife International
UKBAP – The UK Biodiversity Action Plans for Fungi
UK Fungi forum
Waxcap Website

Useful Book Indices

Fungi of Switzerland Index (pdf)

Funga Nordica Index (pdf)