Home Forums PUBLIC DISCUSSION BOARD Scleroderma spores from Causey Arch 20th August 2016 Reply To: Scleroderma spores from Causey Arch 20th August 2016


Thanks Doug. Yes, the spores seem to fit with verrucosum as described by FoS, vol 2 p384 under the entry for S.areolatum.

“the most reliable differentiating feature is the size of the spores, which in S. verrucosum are 8-11.6 mm with spines 1-1.4 mm long (GROSS et al. 1980)”

Macroscopically the outer surface of the perideum was quite smooth (without scales) which is a bit inconvenient. However, from the images I can find online it seems quite variable in appearance. I also read somewhere that it can shed its scales as it matures.