Home Forums PUBLIC DISCUSSION BOARD January Entoloma

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    • #297
      Keith T

      I found these on a garden lawn on 15th Jan. I have been advised to look in the region of Entoloma sericeum or E. lucidum The differences between these two in Funga Nordica seem subtle. Anyway, I had cap width up to 55mm, stipe about 30 x 5. Spores average 8 x 7. Basidia about 11 wide. After reading in Funga Nordica that E. sericeum had clamps in the pileipellis, I persuaded myself to find 4 instances of structures very slightly redolent of clamps. I then read Fungi of Switzerland, which says ‘Pp without clamps’, so naturally after that I found no more. Thanks guys.

      Anybody else finding Entolomas at this time of year? Anybody got any further thoughts?

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by John R.
    • #307
      Keith T

      Just adding to the above
      a nice picture of a basidium
      and a hint of a clamp. (but probably not.)

    • #310
      Tom Kirby

      Hi Keith,
      No. No entolomas yet…I mean “yet”. Had the blighters last year in February but could not accurately identify.I had the same priblem but DID manage to find 3- 4 clamp conns with fine forceps strip removal from cap. I gaveup.

    • #311
      Tom Kirby

      Yes to the additional pics…I an also “see” what might be clamp connections but though more defined than what I managed to see last year (not clear at all) there are certainly swellings in evidence…one then has to question what is and what is not a clamp “connection”. Let Doug take a look or prod him.

    • #312

      I always find clamps tricky and like to see a definite overlap before I am happy with them. I think here the answer is in the spores E. sericeum has 5 angled spores and E lucidum 5-7 angled spores E. april has a stouter stem and occurs with shrubs and as the photo clearly shows 5 angled spores then E sericeum has my vote.

    • #313
      Keith T

      Thanks very much, Doug.
      Very helpful, especially for the clarity in highlighting the differences between species, which is sometimes difficult to spot in the detailed descriptions in the guides.

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