Leader: A. Simpkins
Driving south on the A19 go past the Northallerton junction for 3 kms. [also past the next
Thimbleby-turning on the left] and take the left turn marked Over Silton.
Drive to the south end of Over Silton village and take the easterly of the two yellow roads
[shown as Kirk Ings Lane on the North York Moors 1:25000 west sheet] towards Kepwick.
After about 1km. take a sharp left turn [no signpost] up a short hill and drive north west for
about another 1km.[towards Moor House on the map below] to a picnic/parking area at grid
eference SE466937. The hand marks the spot.
The environment is within a large area of mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland, normally
quite damp in places, but I am unsure what early season fungal fruit will be on display.
This is an Alan Simkins foray so good footwear is essential.
A carried packed lunch is recommended as we may travel for some distance in to the woodland and
not return to the starting point until the end of the foray.
As you can see there are reasonably level paths if you stick to the contour but some climbing
will be advantageous for those so inclined.
Please remember to bring Field Slips as this will help in the expedient production of the provisional list.
Nearest postcode (NOT EXACT!) YO7 2HX GRIDFINDER LINK http://gridreferencefinder.com/gmap/?gr=SE4660093700%7CSE466937%7C1&t=SE466937&v=h